Friday, December 28, 2012

Portraits of Christmas

I'm still recovering from my Christmas sugar high. And unlike all of the years in recent history, I have yet to take my tree down. It looks pretty, and I'm tired. Its staying put till 2013 or until I get an unexpected desire to spend an entire day removing decorations it took me two days to put up. Until then, and until I post all of my pictures, I'm just going to post two pictures that pretty much sum up how our Christmas was.
 During our present opening chaos, they were all engrossed in their new toys.
After madness had died down and I had moved everything to a different room and vacuumed because my brain cannot properly function when the living room is a huge mess, they all settled into their own spots while I made breakfast. No rest for mommy. The girls played their new video games, Witten took a super long nap, and David "rested" (must be nice to be a husband).

The rest of the day was a blur of opening presents at other people's houses and eating tamales and turkey, but at least we got a couple of quiet moments before everyone had to get up off of their butt and get dressed.

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