Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Finally Feels Like Fall

Only two weeks till Christmas and here in AZ we have pretty typical "fall" weather. You are a little chilly in short sleeves, but sweating in long sleeves. Its cold enough to see your breath in the morning, but in the afternoon you have to change clothes because you're hot. That's fine, I kind of hate the cold and I've lived in AZ so long you would think I wouldn't be so surprised when this happens every single year.

Cold or not, it looks like fall in my front yard. Well I live in a duplex so this is "technically" my neighbors side of the yard, but they weren't home and blocking the perfect light with their ugly truck so we seized the day! We, well I, decided to grab my camera and snap some pictures this afternoon. I hadn't planned on being on the other side of the camera, thus my lack of makeup, but my little aspiring photographer Alana wanted to take some pictures after throwing many, many leaves in the air. As long as I set the camera settings and count on about half being out of focus she is a pretty good photographer. They say your first 10,000 pictures are your worst right? She ought to hit that about age 10 just in time to take some more pictures for me. I knew that having kids would pay off eventually, especially when they're old enough to start doing their own laundry.

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