Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baking Overtime

I spent the first half of my day making Halloween sugar cookies for Alana to take to school tomorrow. They're cute, but they're not really as cute as I was going for. My frosting wasn't quite as thick as I would have liked, but I'll live. Now I'm tired of looking at baked goods, since its only been a couple of weeks since I made cupcakes for Alana to take for her birthday.
I like the cupcakes better, but Frankenstein keeps looking at me and trying to change my mind.

The thing I need to keep in mind in my quest for perfect baked goods is that THEY'RE GOING TO BE EATEN BY KINDERGARTENERS. I think they're fine. Except I don't know why the glaze didn't dry shiny on the bats when its the same frosting but I dipped them into it instead of using a spoon and next time I need to add even more powdered sugar.


Amy and Luke said...

Omg, I love the Frankenstein cookies. How did you get his hair so perfect??

Jennifer said...

His hair was the only part of the cookies I didn't mess up! It was the last thing I frosted so my frosting was finally thick enough, other than that I just winged it.


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