Friday, February 24, 2012


I'm writing this post from my iPhone, which I seem to share custody of with Alana. This could be the new thing to keep my blog updated. I don't have to move from the couch, upload pics, or put real effort into anything. This phone is enabling my lazy attitude toward my blog. So is Bejeweled. Virtual high five cause I'm too lazy for a real one. And because this phone does everything for me but cook dinner and fold laundry, here are some pictures, taken with none other than my phone.
Ava was hiding from the mean mom on Coraline.
Morning well spent. Then David asked me what brand of canned dough I used. I was offended.
Pictures at the grocery store are now part of my life. And so are giant tubs of cotton candy.


Amber Nicole said...

What are you using to post it from your phone?

Jennifer said...

There is a Blogger app, and its free. I noticed someone else had mentioned it so I looked it up. Its pretty convenient, but I can't tweak some of the little things like picture size the way I normally would. I like it though, I'm gonna use it again!


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