Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day and Unrelated Pictures

We had a pretty low key Mother's Day. I got an awesome card, made for me by Alana and David. A one of a kind creation. Also in the envelope: various coupons for household chores and such. I wanted to redeem one of them for this 50 mm lens, but sadly Amazon doesn't accept homemade coupons.

I had fully intended on going to the park and taking a family picture, but outside forces were working against me. I have no desire to stand in the wind and have crazy hair in my family picture, plus I was too lazy to change out of the Mickey Mouse shirt and pajama pants I slept in the night before.

I did however make a pan of homemade cinnamon rolls, but I made the dough and frosting the night before, then stuck them in the fridge till the morning. After a quick rise and bake I had a fresh pan of yummy rolls for breakfast, without actually having to do the work on Mother's Day. We took those to my dad's house for a quick breakfast, then sat around our house the rest of the day, watching DVR'd shows like Parks & Rec and SNL, with occasional breaks so somebody could check the score on the basketball game. Sports don't take a day off for Mother's Day.

We went to the Olive Garden on Saturday, but for a work party for David. We still counted it as a Mother's Day dinner, with the added bonus of not having to pay for it.

I took less than five pictures, which was quite lazy of me. The week before I took at least 50, just at the park, but on Mother's Day I slacked off. It's a good thing I compensated by taking tons every other day last week, some of just my kids and even a sprinkling of me and my kids, well, me and Ava.
What nice girls to bring me some flowers.

Playing at the park.

Occasionally Ava will let me take her picture, but she won't smile.

Ava posing again, but then she got mad when it was time to go inside.

Homemade cards, coupons and cinnamon rolls.

My ladies love to wear my shoes. It's cute now, but it will be a pain when they're older!


Nikki Darlin' said...

Aww I love the flowers. That's so sweet of them.

Anonymous said...

Your pics are lovely.

Alexa Mae said...

They are so darling!! Those cinnamon rolls look delish! I remember the good ol days of free coupons. I can't wait till my kids start handing those out...muahahaha!


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